Engine Etymology
Engine Search Online Etymology Dictionary. Schemer 12c from Late Latin ingeniare see engine.
History and Etymology for engine Noun Middle English engin from Anglo-French from Latin ingenium natural disposition talent from in- gignere to beget more at kin.

Engine etymology. Many are not synonyms or translations. A small compact engine. 1300 mechanical device especially one used in war.
Engineer n mid-14c enginour constructor of military engines from Old French engigneor engineer architect maker of war-engines. The dates beside a word indicate the earliest year for which there is a surviving written record of that word in English unless otherwise. The original human flesh search engine was a subforum on Mop similar to a question-and-answer QA.
Engineer Search Online Etymology Dictionary. Civil sense in. Theyre explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2000 years ago.
In our example the class vehicle has parts such as engine steering wheel seats and so on and the engine has parts such as cylinder block crank shaft etc. The term originated during the use of early supersonic wind tunnels. The verb in this sense is recorded from 1789.
Towards an Intelligent Database System Founded on the SP Theory of Computing and Cognition. Internal combustion engine especially. Gin machine for separating cotton from seeds 1796 American English used earlier of other machineries especially of war or torture from Middle English gin ingenious device contrivance c.
Abutment advance aeroplane Air-engine anchor atmospheric Atmospheric engine Automatic cut-off Automatic expansion gear Back-acting steam engine Back-action steam engine Baffler Ballast engine Base plate battleship beam Beam engine Beam-engine blast Blast pipe Blast-pipe bleed bleeder boiler brake Brake horse power Bull pump chest chimney cistern Cleading clearance collapse compound Compound engine Compressed-air bath condenser Condensing engine. Etymology The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus carrum wheeled vehicle or via Old North French Middle English carre two-wheeled cart both of which in. Starting the supersonic wind tunnel is the process in which the air becomes supersonic.
Engine noun -ed. General sense of inventor designer is recorded from early 15c. Motor n one who or that which imparts motion mid-15c controller prime mover in reference to God from Late Latin motor literally mover agent noun from past-participle stem of Latin movere to move from PIE root meue- to push away.
1600 but not the common. General sense of inventor designer is recorded from early 15c. The shock waves that develop during the starting or unstart process may be visualized with schlieren or shadowgraph optical techniques.
Deceitfulness trickery from Old French engin skill wit cleverness also trick deceit stratagem. The term originated on the Mop forums in 2001 coined by Mop to describe a search that was human-powered rather than computer-driven. A rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Unstart of the wind tunnel is the reverse process. Schemer 12c from Late Latin ingeniare see engine. Etymologies are not definitions.
Manner of construction also skill craft innate ability. Engined not comparable in combination Having a specified number or configuration of engines or having a certain type of engine eg. Civil sense in reference to public works is recorded from c.
Any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion. 1200 from Old French gin machine device scheme shortened form of engin see engine. This is a map of the wheel-ruts of modern English.
From Old French engin from Latin ingenium nature talent ingenious contrivance from in-² -genium related to gignere to beget produce engine also found in these entries note. Engineer n mid-14c enginour constructor of military engines from Old French engigneor engineer architect maker of war-engines. War machine 12c from Latin.
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